• GE3S Is a Renowned Energy Auditor in Dubai

    The Energy audit  is an inspection, survey and analysis of energy flows, for energy conservation in a building, process/system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output(s). In commercial and industrial real estate, an energy audit is the first step in identifying opportunities to reduce energy expense and carbon footprints. GE3S is a well-known energy auditor in Dubai and has conducted several energy audits in the region.

    Energy Audit is the key to a systematic approach for decision-making in the area of energy management. It attempts to balance the total energy inputs with its use, and serves to identify all the energy streams in a facility. It quantifies energy usage according to its discrete functions. Industrial energy audit is an effective tool in defining and pursuing comprehensive energy management programme.

    In any industry and buildings, the three top operating expenses are often found to be energy (both electrical and thermal), labour and materials. If one were to relate to the manageability of the cost or potential cost savings in each of the above components, energy would invariably emerge as a top ranker, and thus energy management function constitutes a strategic area for cost reduction. As an energy auditor in dubai we have conducted several energy audits in industries and buildings

    Energy Audit will help to understand more about the ways energy and fuel are used in any industry, and help in identifying the areas where waste can occur and where scope for improvement exists.

    The Energy Audit would give a positive orientation to the energy cost reduction, preventive maintenance and quality control programmes which are vital for production and utility activities. Such an audit programme will help to keep focus on variations which occur in the energy costs, availability and reliability of supply of energy, decide on appropriate energy mix, identify energy conservation technologies, retrofit for energy conservation equipment etc. GE3S has experienced energy auditor in Dubai.

    The primary objective of Energy Audit is to determine ways to reduce energy consumption per unit of product output or to lower operating costs. Energy Audit provides a “bench-mark" (Reference point) for managing energy in the organization and also provides the basis for planning a more effective use of energy throughout the organization.

    GE3S Energy Auditor professionals are certified from Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Govt. of India and USA Professional Engineer (P.E.) License holders have performed several energy audits for all types of buildings such as institutional, university, commercial, IT parks, industries and municipal buildings. We are well known energy auditor in Dubai,



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