• The green building scenario in India and the role of LEED Green Associate

    One of the important green building as the Indira Paryavaran Bhavan building it is one of the first building in India that is rated GRIHA 5 - star under Green Rating for under Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA).  This building used various energy efficiency and renewable technologies on a large scale. Some of the green techniques used in the building are earthquake-resistant structure, use of earthquake-resistant structure, A LEED Green Associate professional becomes useful when incorporating green building techniques into design and operation. More than 75 percent of natural light utilization, Thin-client networking system, A robotic parking system in the basement for accommodating 330 cars, Planting trees and grasses in more than 50 percent area outside the building, This building is also fully compliant with the requirements of the energy conservation building code of India (ECBC). Other examples of green buildings in India with its energy savings like Wipro buildings in Gurgaon, ITC in Gurgaon, CII Godrej in Hyderabad. you can also see the area of the building and the percentage reduction as well as the energy savings in rupees in lakhs. The annual benefits of green buildings in India are the carbon dioxide reduction of 12,000 tonnes and energy savings of 15000 MWH. Realization of these benefits on larger scale would need more LEED Green Associate Professionals in the market.

    The implementation of the ECBC is one of the major to improve building energy efficiency. It is the first building code in India and was launched on Feb 2007 by the Indian Bureau of energy efficiency (BEE). This code is applicable to a new commercial building with a connected load above 100 KWH or a contract demand of over 120 KVamps. The building with a conditioned area of over 1000 sq.m generally falls under this category and a connected demand of power of 500 KW or 600 KVA. This building code performance standards for the building envelope, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, interior and exterior lighting and service hot water in each of the five climatic zones in India. It also sets the energy-efficient requirements for building, electrical power and motors. LEED Green Associate professionals are well aware of these requirements.

    The compliance of buildings is based on prescriptive, simple trade-off, and whole-building performance. It is now mandatory for large national public buildings to comply with ECBC. ECBC has been adopted in 7 states and 16 states are in the process of adopting ECBC. The energy performance index of the building is set from 90 KWh/sq/year to 200 kWh/sqm/year for ECBC compliance. In order to spread this rapidly and churn out savings, we would need more LEED green associate and other green building professionals in the construction industry.

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